Constantly Convicted to Try

2 min readJan 11, 2023
Image by Anna Shvets on Pexels

A new day usually brings new struggles and challenges. The mindset that we have to deal with those struggles and challenges is really what makes or breaks us.

Many times I find myself overthinking or dwelling on how to overcome a challenge. And most times, the solutions are pretty simple. The extra time I waste on overthinking is what drags a problem on and on.

It got so tiring to live that way.

I knew I was always going to try to find solutions to struggles and challenges, so why not just get to the chase and take action on those solutions?

It is definitely easier said than done, but if you’re in any way convicted to try and solve problems that arise — get straight to the actions. It’ll save you time, brainpower, and mental energy in the long run.

Personally, I find it helpful to write down what I need to do. I make a list of actions that need to be taken and check them off one by one as I get to them.

Image by inspirexpressmiami on Pixabay

Like everything else, practice makes a better equipped version of yourself to deal with everyday obstacles and continue to try. But if you’re in any way convicted to do so like I am, you can practice how to take action everyday.

Getting over the overthinking phase isn’t easy and I can’t say I’ve mastered it, but it sure is a blessing to be able to try.

After all… you never know until you do.




Lover of plants, dogs, and nature. I enjoy sharing what I've learned in life with others, and I hope my stories help you in some way. Thanks for stopping by!